ASAP Fertility, IVF & Intralipid Therapy

Interested in learning more about your Fertility and IVF treatment options? ASAP IVs would love to support you!


We are a team you can trust - Physician owned practice, experienced and licensed Registered Nurses.

Take advantage of our comprehensive outpatient IV treatments for IVF and Pregnancy. Faster, better, and less expensive than hospital alternatives. We offer private, comfortable rooms where clients can lay down for Pregnancy related therapies, Low Level Laser Light Therapy (LLLT), Intralipid Therapy, NAD+ Therapy, IV Hydration, B12, Glutathione and more!  Our team is expertly trained in IV placement - and are discreet, compassionate, and fun to work with!

We partner with several reproductive endocrinologists to offer a variety of IV hydration therapies at our clinics:

  • Fast, concierge service - never have to wait for a courteous, professional response.

  • Customized packages and discounts for couples.

  • IVs can be administered safely in our clinic, or in the comfort of your own home.

  • We are happy to consult with you as a client or with your reproductive endocrinologist, obstetricians and gynecologists directly to get you the care you need, in accordance with any desired protocol.

  • ASAP IVs aspires to bring genuine value and access to superior healthcare, one needle at a time, to enhance lives and inspire each person to achieve their goals.

ASAP IV For Fertility

Experience a new wave of hydration.

Replenish and re-hydrate in the comfort and privacy of your own space.