Which IV is Best For Me?

Which IV Is Best For me?

Article Written By: Chris Baker

Peer Reviewed By: Dr. Taylor Graber MD

Date Updated: May 18th, 2021


General dehydration or Balanced Wellness

Dehydration will often leave you with a headache, feeling lethargic, and dry, cracked skin. Our ASAP Myer’s Cocktail has the perfect combination of Vitamins B and C, Calcium, and Magnesium to not only get you re-hydrated but also help energize you and replace those essential vitamins and minerals that your body is craving.   

Hungover? - Hangover vs. ASAP Recovery

It’s no secret that often you will have to pay the piper the day after a fun night out. That’s why we created our Hangover and ASAP Recovery IV options. The Hangover will get your feeling right by getting you hydrated and reducing inflammation and nausea. That’s all well and good but what about those times when you have to be out and about in the world and back at work or school? Our ASAP Recovery has all the benefits of the standard Hangover IV plus B-12 and Magnesium for the boost of energy you need to get you through the day!


Feeling under the weather?

Our Immunity Booster IV has Zinc, Vitamin C and Glutathione which have all be shown to decrease the severity of the common cold. If your cold has progressed to a bit more than the sniffles then check out our ASAP Immune Recovery to help get right of those pesky aches and pains!


I want to feel my absolute best! - ASAP Works

As the cliche goes, your body is your temple. The thing about cliché’s is that there is truth too them. Unlike your iPhone, you only get one life in this world so its vital to take as best care of it as possible. Whether you’re kicking a cold, preparing for big sporting event, or just want to treat yo’self, our ASAP Works drip is the top of the line option for the individual who knows how important it is to be at your best at all times. This combines all our vitamins to help you skin health, immune system, energy production, and much much more!